Peshawar to Karachi Bus Ticket Price 2022

Are you looking for Peshawar to Karachi Bus Ticket Price 2022?

If yes, then you came to the right page. Here we will provide the latest updated ticket rates of buses that travel from Peshawar to Karachi.

Peshawar to Karachi Buses Fares Price 2022

On this page; you can see Karachi to Peshawar bus ticket price 2022. We will share all bus service ticket rates that travel from Karachi to Peshawar.

Here are the current ticket prices for Peshawar to Karachi bus services;

Peshawar to Karachi Bus Services Name Ticket Price
Daewoo Express Peshawar to Karachi Ticket Price Rs. 6120
Niazi Express Peshawar to Karachi Ticket Price Rs. 5100
Faisal Movers Peshawar to Karachi Ticket Price Rs. 5000
Road Master Peshawar to Karachi Ticket Price Rs. 5300
Skyways Bus Peshwar to Karachi Ticket Price Rs. 5000
Madina Express Karachi to Peshawar Ticket Price Rs. 5000
Shaheen Express Karachi to Peshawar Ticket Price Rs. 5500
Bilal Daewoo Bus Karachi to Peshawar Ticket Price Rs. 5500

Peshawar to Karachi Buses Contact Numbers

Peshawar to Karachi Buses Terminal Phone Number
Daewoo Express Peshawar Terminal Phone Number
Niazi Express Peshawar Terminal Phone Number 051-5466215
Faisal Movers Peshawar Terminal Phone Number 091-111224488



Road Master Peshawar Terminal Phone Number NA
Skyways Bus Peshwar Terminal Phone Number 091-2262140


Madina Express Peshawar Terminal Phone Number 0333-2089953


Shaheen Express Peshawar Terminal Phone Number NA
Bilal Daewoo Peshawar Terminal Phone Number 111 287 444


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